Measurement Gamma-ray of Potasium Uranium and Thorium in soil Using A High – Purity Germanium Detector
We have measured gamma ray in soil for four selected area which are the Klongnonglake’s field, the gardent around the 3rd and 4th woman dormitory of Naresuan University , Panwangmaprang Wangpong of Phechaboon province and Suriya mining of Phechaboon province . In-situ gamma ray spectroscopy using high-purity germanium (HPGe) detector; a standard way in determining K-40 , U-238 , and Th-232 in soil . The dose rate of In-situ gamma ray spectroscopy of K-40 ( 296.00-629.00 Bg/kg) , U-238(209.79-296.00 Bq/kg) and Th (29.60-74.00 Bq/kg).The soil samples were air-dried sieved through a fine mesh, sealed in plastics breakers, and measured in laboratory using Gamma Spectroscopy, elemental concentrations were determined for K-40 (121.50-636.20 Bq/kg) , U-238(116.56-246.36 Bq/kg) and Th-232(15.40-67.74 Bq/kg). We have then compared the dose rate of our samples to that of In-situ gamma ray spectroscopy and gamma spectroscopy in laboratory we found that both rates agree well.
5658 Measurement Gamma-ray of Potasium Uranium and Thorium in soil Using A High – Purity Germanium Detector /project-biology/item/5658-measurement-gamma-ray-of-potasium-uranium-and-thorium-in-soil-using-a-high-purity-germanium-detector-5658เพิ่มในรายการโปรด