The measurement of gamma ray from daughter of radon gas in cement with sodium iodide thallium detector.
This research measured of gamma ray from daughter of radon gas in cement with sodium iodide thallium detector. The measurement of gamma ray from 214Bi(609keV) in cement various band have been studied. It was found that counts rate of gamma ray decreasing from rhinoceros band, elephant band, lotus band, tiger band to eagle band, respectively. Then, the absorption coefficient of gamma ray from 137Cs(662keV) in cement various band was done. It could be concluded that the absorption coefficient of eagle band, tiger band, lotus band, elephant band and rhinoceros band were 2.21 mg/cm2 2.03mg/cm2 1.91mg/cm2 1.61mg/cm2 and1.54mg/cm2, respectively. The grain press coal are used for adsorption daughter of radon gas at 214Pb(242keV, 295keV and352keV) and 214Bi(609keV) to compare intensity daughter of radon gas indoor and outdoor. It was that the adsorption daughter of radon gas can occur at indoor more than outdoor.
5661 The measurement of gamma ray from daughter of radon gas in cement with sodium iodide thallium detector. /project-biology/item/5661-the-measurement-of-gamma-ray-from-daughter-of-radon-gas-in-cement-with-sodium-iodide-thallium-detectorเพิ่มในรายการโปรด