“Applied Ad Hoc wireless network to real application”
‘Ad hoc’ wireless network is one of the popular network architecture used for transmitting the information in the very wide area network, low power device network or non-structured network. Its concept is transmitting the set of data from one point to the other point by using the devices in the network as the signal repeating devices and/or routing devices. Each device forwards the data to the destination by sending the information to the nearby neighbor devices until the information reached the destination. The concept can be implemented in many real applications such as fire forest warning system, Tsunami warning system, and sensor and control network for intelligence home. In this project, we focused on applying these ‘Ad hoc’ wireless network ideas to perform the real application with the real devices. We used the multipurpose half-duplex device as the demonstration module to show the possibility of the protocol and transmitting technique. The constraints of these are we the reliability of transmitting with lowest power consumption as possible on the basic that every module has to act as the server and client with the limitation of hardware. To satisfy the constraint, we proposed the new technique called “Two arms cell” for routing the information with the complexity of n. It reduced the memory requirements and illuminates the need of extended packet size because we didn’t transmit any routing table between modules. With this idea, we may reduce the cost of the module because we have no need to attach much storage to satisfy and n o need to use less bandwidth because we could reduce the packet size.
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