Development an electrochemical method for evaluation of the Antioxidant capacity
Development of the method for evaluation of total antioxidant capacity (TAC) based on flow injection analysis combined with amperometric detection was proposed. Detection is based on electrochemical oxidation of antioxidant compounds at glassy carbon modified with carbon nanotube(GC-CNT) electrode. Hydrodynamic voltammetry was performed to find optimum oxidation potential for all 7 antioxidant standards. The optimum oxidation potential at 0.4 V versus Ag/AgCl reference electrode was obtained for all antioxidant standards. Under the optimum conditions, linear calibrations curves ranging from 2.5 – 60 ppm were obtained. Relative standard deviation obtained from 20 injections of trolox 30 ppm was 4.30%. The sample throughput of this method is 6 samples per hour.
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