Design and development of parabolic, focused, solar disk stove with sun following system
This research aims to design and develop parabolic and focused solar disk stove with sun following system. One hundred and twenty centimeters diameter disk and 30 centimeters of focus length was studied the increasing rate of water temperature boiled with the developed solar energy stove. The possibility to introduce the parabolic, focus, solar disk stove for cooking was studied. The automatic moving follows the sun of the disk used twin timer circuit could programmed on-off timing by timer relay that can control motor automatically and result in an efficiency in following the sun as well as increasing of system efficiency by the parabolic disk focus design to avoid of heat loss by the wind. The result found that the thermally efficiency system was 60 % maximum temperature of 99 oC in 135 minutes and increasing rate of heat / time was 850 cl./min. Cooking time of boiled egg, fried egg, roast chicken, and stream rice were 25, 10, 20 and 50 minutes, respectively.
5747 Design and development of parabolic, focused, solar disk stove with sun following system /project-physics/item/5747-design-and-development-of-parabolic-focused-solar-disk-stove-with-sun-following-systemเพิ่มในรายการโปรด